Well, so Drupal 6 came out yesterday, the day of my daughter’s birthday! Right, so I did absolutely nothing with Drupal, but we took Savannah shopping, and I made her favorite dinner, and we all went to go see a cheesy movie. 🙂 She’s 11!
((and I’m feeling old))
The big deal is that I DID update my site and all contributed modules to their most current today, with the one exception of Drupal Core. I’m-a-gonna be waitin’ until the modules I want catch up with the core release. Took me a bit longer to do the update than I thought it should. Thought I lost the site for a sec there, but I was diligent with my back-ups and life appears peachy! I feel special, even if ClearVision gets totally wiped out, I can be up and going within minutes! Happy day for me. Anyway, that’s the progress…oh, and I made a new base domain page for myself at http://nousessence.com/bunk (edit=it’s been outmoded, but here it is for your fun) and I like it.