Ok, so here is a list of all of the things I have up, in order: OS = Ubuntu Desktop Edition 7.1 Gutsy http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ Webserver/Database: Apache + php/MySQL http://www.apache.org/ http://www.mysql.com/ Admin programs: Webmin http://www.webmin.com/support.html PhpMyAdmin http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/index.php Site: Drupal 5.3 http://drupal.org/ MyDrupal_impact theme by Andreas Viklund – http://andreasviklund.com A whole slew of drupal modules, a post…
Category: tech
Anything technological (soft or hardware). This includes all topics open source: Apache web-serving, Drupal, Ubuntu.
Brighter Light
Well, a few posts back there I had the pure pleasure of blogging about not being able to return to school next semester due to some clerical issue blah blah blah. Well, I am happy to say that I found a way around this little blunder, and what I took to be cause for major…
Cool package for music lovers!!!
Hello people, just thought i would mention a cool little package: aMpache!!! Rocks like Fred Flintstone! Easy to set up, efficient, skinnable, and just plain cool., great for setting up an internet radio station stream, or just personal/office access to your media database. I tried out obsidian music (web front end for amarok) and had…
So, I have spent the last few weeks NOT working on this project, I ran into a whole mess of headaches with the whole mail thing, so everything got put to the side, to let my forehead heal after banging against walls. so, no mail for now, but it’s still in the works. Looking at…
keepin’ on…
So I banged my head around for several hours trying to figure out how to edit the donate page, incorporating the faq into it. Not there yet. **sigh** More on that later… I am also not satisfied with how the mail is set up by default, and am trying to change that. Everything routs out…
Tweaking Issues/Progress on ClearVision
The site is coming along nicely, for anyone keeping tabs. Here is a forum post describing this project. I have not yet introduced bittorrent to the site, but that is going to be the last thing added after all major tweaks and configs, since it’s “bonus”. Issues? Yep. Got some issues to work on, if…
Hello World
Hello World! So, I did it, or am doing it. Set up a server, and a website (actually 3 websites, but they act, almost totally, as one). I am serving a community portal, an online multiuser calendar, and a photo gallery. Soon the community portal will also be a private bittorrent tracker, on top of…