Well, a few posts back there I had the pure pleasure of blogging about not being able to return to school next semester due to some clerical issue blah blah blah. Well, I am happy to say that I found a way around this little blunder, and what I took to be cause for major alarm turned out to be nothing but the equivalent of…say, a very minor alarm? Yes, a very minor alarm indeed. One simple form filled out and all wounds were instantly healed. Looks like I’ll be back in there in a few weeks, but only 6 credit hours, time to make some money! Do read on…
This little form, yes. So, there were a few fees that the grants and loans, being federally backed, cannot be applied to automatically by the school. The form I had to fill out was nothing more than an authorization form to allow the school to do so, basically me saying that I would do so regardless. My question is, why not make that option apparent at the outset? Sure, it is nice that there is a tool in place to allow one to easily navigate that problem, but the system is set up so that there has to be a fire first, rather than setting up the system to be fireproof, and even then, the information must be hounded out. Brighter light, a nice spotlight on the potential fires that could likely start up, that should not be so difficult.
I really like my college, it’s really perfect for me and my needs, but I cannot help but see this (albeit minor issue) as a reflection of the greater system to which it belongs. Why put energy into preventing? Oh, that would take time, maybe MY time! Oh forbid! It seems as if the system in general strives to only exist, and therefore strives to do nothing more than it has to do in order to exist, unless coerced. Is that the world we live in? Is that who we are? Change via coercion, rather than insight; rather than compassion or wisdom?
I promised myself, nominally, that this would be a blog to document my journey back to school, and my project with open source web applications, and not a political/economic/social critique. This may be somewhat of a challenge, since college is certainly immersed in these concepts, and the whole reason I got into open source to begin with is heavily influenced by those three things.
Keep it light, or lite, brighter light. We need a society and set of social systems that reflects the people that actually make it up, that reflects the people that go through these systems, and rely on them. Something that works for the people that the system is created to cater to, and not the people who set the systems up, or are entrusted with the task of maintaining them. But shouldn’t those people be one and the same? <